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From Game of Thrones to Scandal- the strong TV women we aspire to be like
In a world where women are often depicted in sexist, stereotypical roles, or put on screen for the sole purpose of getting their kit off, there’s nothing more inspiring or refreshing than TV women who exhibit characteristics that inspire us. We give you some of the best female TV characters and why we wish we were more like them.
1 of 11 scandal
2 of 11 jessa
3 of 11 daenerys
4 of 11 conniebrit3
5 of 11 mindy
6 of 11 santana
7 of 11 amyphoeler
8 of 11 gloria
9 of 11 edithdownton
10 of 11 callthemidwife
11 of 11 conniebrit
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