Stella originally brought a constructive dismissal case against Lord Sugar after claiming she was forced to resign from her £100,000 a year position.
Stella, 34, got the job after winning series six of The Apprentice, but said at the time of the court case: “It was not a role of substance.”
She initially worked at Lord Sugar’s internet company Viglen. After quitting she felt pressured into taking a role at the tycoon’s set-top box company YouView.
However, he claims he was only trying to help Stella after she’d complained she was ‘depserate for money’.
Speaking at the time of her resignation, Stella described herself as an ‘overpaid lackey’.
She claimed that Lord Sugar had told her he wouldn’t be renewing her contract so instead she resigned.
The tribunal, however, dismissed the case.
Lord Sugar’s attempt to recoup some of the legal fees he incurred from the original case yesterday failed.

Stella’s lawyer, Henry Hendron said: “My client is over the moon the employment tribunal have found in her favour and dismissed the respondent’s application for substantive costs against her.”
Stella owns three properties but, despite this, has claimed that she has had to apply for housing benefit and is even considering jobseeker’s allowance.
Until July she was working at Citigroup as a contractor, earning £500 a day but now says: “I do not know how I am going to feed my kids, never mind the mortgages.”
She has said that the tribunal has had an effect on her future earning and employment potential.
“The immense pressure as a result of this tribunal, and in particular statements made by the respondent affecting my credibility, has had a detrimental effect on my career prospects.”
And the stress of first being ‘forced’ to quit her job and then the tribunals has caused her to become a single parent.
The stress on my husband and two young children has been a major contributor to the breakdown of my marriage. This has left me not only unemployed but a single parent.
“I simply want to get on with my life and put this episode behind me.”