Emmerdale star Leah Bracknell dies after three year cancer battle

Leah was first diagnosed in 2016

leah bracknell

by Eden-Olivia Lord |
Updated on

Emmerdale star Leah Bracknell has passed away following her battle with terminal cancer.

Leah, who played Zoe Tate in the Dales, was first diagnosed with stage four cancer in 2016.

The 55 year old passed away last month but her management announced the tragic news this week.

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After battling with her conscience, Faith eventually gives in and pays a visit to Home Farm, to tell Cain that she believes Moira and Pete are having an affair.

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Oblivious to what's been said about him, Pete pays a visit of his own to Home Farm and walks straight into a trap laid by Cain, who knocks him unconscious.

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Coming round a few hours later, Pete is horrified to find he's been tied up and held captive by Cain. Furious, Pete tells Cain it's not him that's having an affair with his wife, but Nate.

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Meanwhile, Nate and Moira are none-the-wiser as they wake up at the hotel together ahead of their trip to the agricultural show.

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But when Cain shows up unexpectedly at the hotel as they're checking out, Moira and Nate begin to panic. An uncharacteristically cheery Cain tells them they're going on a fishing trip.

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At the lake, Cain hires out a fishing boat and as they bob along on the water there's a stony tension in the air. What's Cain got up his sleeve?

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Soon, a nonchalant Cain takes Nate to task about sleeping with his wife – and to Moira's dismay, Nate admits the whole thing.

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It's not long before things escalate and the two men descend into violence, and Cain picks up a plank of wood to finish off Nate - but can he do it?

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As Nate regains the upper hand and threatens to kill Cain, Moira loses her footing in the commotion and is knocked overboard.

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As Moira is tangled in weeds under the surface of the water and Cain and Nate are at loggerheads, a petrol cannister that's been leaking catches fire and there's a huge explosion on board the boat - are there any survivors?

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Elsewhere, it's the evening of the grand reopening of the Woolpack, and everything is ready except the lock on the toilet door, which Bob admits won't be finished in time.

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Not satisfied with Bill's excuse, Marlon and Chas go to investigate, but soon they find themselves locked in. As they begin to panic, Chas's waters break.

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With Chas going into labour right there in the cramped cubicle, Marlon has to think fast and fashions a make-shift bed out of his chef's overalls.

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Realising she has no other option, Chas tells herself she can do this and soon has delivered a healthy baby.

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Meanwhile, Mandy and Vinny's hard work is finally paying off when they're plans come into fruition, but they panic when a solicitor turns up to sort the money.

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Sharing a statement on behalf of Leah's family they wrote, "It is with the deepest sadness that Leah Bracknell's family confirm that Leah passed away in September, three years after her diagnosis with stage 4 lung cancer.

"They would like to thank all the public for their support and generosity which contributed to the extension and quality of her life over the past three years.

"Leah was best known and much loved as Zoe Tate in Emmerdale."

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Β©Getty Images

They went on to add, "Leah had an energy and enthusiasm for life, a kind heart and much love to give to those around her.

"Her family have asked for privacy at this very sad time."

leah bracknell
Β©Getty Images

Lots of Emmerdale stars rushed to send their condolences including Lisa Riley, "GOD BLESS YOU LEAH πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»a true angel to work with. You lost your battle far far to young. R.I.P. heaven gains an angel of the truest form πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡".

Dominic Brunt - aka Paddy Dingle - wrote, "I lost a good friend today. She was truly amazing in lots of different ways and I shall miss her."

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Claire King, who plays Kim Tate, added, "Gorgeous, beautiful, talented, lovely Leah, fly high over that rainbow my love."

Leah is well known for playing Zoe Tate for 16 years on Emmerdale. During her time in the village she came out as a lesbian, she struggled with schizophrenic and killed Scott Windsor.

The actress also appeared in Judge John Deed, A Touch of Frost, The Royal Today, DCI Banks and was a yoga teacher and shamanic healer.

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