EXCLUSIVE: Duncan James admits his proudest achievement is being a dad: ‘I’m so very proud’

Duncan has revealed his most important role is being a father

Duncan James Hollyoaks

by Francesca Battson |
Published on

Duncan James is best known for singing with successful boy band Blue, but has also performed in many West End musicals and more recently joined the cast of Hollyoaks.

But despite all of these achievements, Duncan has revealed that his most important role has always been being a father to his 11-year-old daughter, Tianie.

Which is why we have nominated him for our Celebrity Dad of the Year Awards 2016!

We spoke to the All Rise singer to find out a bit more about his “cheeky little monkey”, Tianie.

“She’s been wanting her ears pierced for years and years and years and we’ve always said no, not until she’s older,” Duncan revealed.

Originally agreeing the age of 16, Duncan persuaded Tianie’s mum Claire Grainger to lower it to 11 – which she happened to turn this year.

“She turned 11 this year and we said that, if she gets into the Royal Ballet, as a treat she can go and have her ears pierced,” he explained.

Duncan and mum Claire were “very, very proud” of their daughter for gaining one of the 12 places into the Royal Ballet School out of thousands of others, and so let Tianie get her ears pierced.

Whilst in London with friends, Duncan was telling them about his little girl and when he rang her up for a chat said: “Your ears must be burning because I’ve just been talking about you”.

To which Tianie cheekily replied: “No daddy, my ears are burning with anticipation for the new Tiffany earrings you’re going to buy me!”

So sassy.

But proud dad Duncan did buy his daughter a pair of mini heart Tiffany earrings to congratulate her on her incredible achievement.

However he says that he’s now “made a rod for my own back”, as his daughter clearly has an expensive taste.

Duncan admitted: “If she’s wanting Tiffany earrings at 11, she’s definitely going to be wanting a Mercedes car when she’s 17 – so I need to continue to work hard for a very extravagant and expensive little girl I’m clearly raising.”


Tianie lives with her mum, a two-hour drive away from Duncan’s home in London. However the singer makes sure to see his daughter as often as he can, despite his busy schedule.

Duncan is currently finishing a tour with the musical Priscilla: Queen of the Desert, and was on the Hollyoaks set for the first time today since landing his new role as Ryan in Channel 4 soap.

And it seems that his daughter is quite the performer herself, as she’s already appeared on stage in musicals like Annie and Hansel and Gretel.

Speaking to HuffPostUK about Tianie, Duncan said: “I’ve always taught her to be ambitious and although I’m not a competitive person, she wants to be the best and she wants to aim for the highest.

And his 11 year old even corrects the West End star on his grammar and spelling, as Duncan admits she keeps him on his toes everyday.

To vote for Duncan James in our Celebrity Dad of the Year Awards 2016, click here.

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