This dog freed after being chained up for 15 YEARS will make your day

Is that something in our eye? Oh yeah. TEARS.

bear the dog freed

by Stevie Martin |
Published on

Amid the deluge of celebrities, babies and celebrities who have babies, comes a heartwarming story about an old dog on his last legs who was saved in the nick of time. And lord is he happy about it.

Bear, a dog who has been chained up by his owner for fifteen years in New York, was finally freed after animal rescue group Guardians of Rescue got a call from a concerned neighbour.

Forced to carry his heavy chain and survive all manner of weather outside, he was ignored by the owner - who hasn’t been named or, surprisingly, charged with animal cruelty.

Watch the moment Bear was set free and you’ll probably find that, yeah, you’ve got something in your eye, right?

Bear had never previously been to the beach (even though he lives on Long Island) but has finally been taken there since his release - and the carers say he also enjoys sitting in front of fireplaces for hours on end. Probably because he’s been so used to the freezing cold, poor thing.

“One phone call from someone in the community set the wheels in motion that have changed Bear's life. That's a true success story and why we exist," President of Guardians of Peace Robert Misseri told the MailOnline.

He added: "Our mission is to help rescue as many animals as we can, but we can’t do it without the help of the community."

Do you think the owner should have been charged? Get in touch on Facebook or Twitter @CloserOnline, and let us know!


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