Kim Kardashian may have earned plenty of kash and with it has a pretty khaotic and privileged lifestyle but she hasn’t forgotten to give something back as she proved last week when she spontaneously invited a fan to sit with her in the VIP section during Kanye West’s Yeezus tour in New Orleans. But while her recent generosity hit the headlines, it's not the first time the star has been incredibly sweet…
A year after the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 Kim visited the people there, spent time with them and showed her support by buying some of the jewellery they had made as well as promoting it on her website afterwards. In season two of Keeping Up With The Kardashians Kim visited a family in New Orleans whose lives had been devastated by Hurricane Katrina and in 2008 when Kim returned to the city to watch an American Football match she invited the same family to join her.
As well as giving her time, Kim also plugs her cash into charitable causes too. Following the typhoon in the Philippines in October Kim launched a sale of her old clothes and accessories on eBay and donated 10 per cent of every sale to the International Medical Corps – something that was deemed to small a figure by some.

But what her critics weren’t aware of is that Kim actually donates 10 per cent of everything she earns to charity. Yes, that’s every endorsement deal, TV appearance and all her promotional work and she does the same thing every year. And with an estimated wealth of $40million (£24million) that’s a generous contribution!
While Kim has her manicured fingers in lots of lucrative pies from fake tans to fragrances she also wants to let fans sample a slice of her beauty regime for free. Last September she shared the secret to razor-sharp cheekbones by sharing a photo of how her makeup artist, Scott Barnes, gives her this look. And she didn’t stop there, she was determined to instil confidence in other women too…
With her flawless hourglass figure it’s often easy to think Kim has the perfect body but she was quick to reassure us mere mortals that behind the airbrushed images not even she is perfect. In an interview she said: “Sometimes I pig out and I still feel great, and think, 'That was so worth it!' That’s how I feel a lot of the time. I think, "See this little dimple of cellulite here? It was so worth it for that cookies ’n’ cream ice cream!" Amen to that!