Danielle Lloyd opens up about divorce: ‘I’ve been on anti-depressants and sleeping pills’

Mum-of-three Danielle has revealed she only kept going for the sake of her children after learning of Jamie O’Hara’s affair

Danielle Lloyd opens up about divorce: ‘I’ve been on anti-depressants and sleeping pills’

by Kayleigh Dray |
Published on

When Danielle Lloyd discovered that her husband had been cheating on her, she was mortified - particularly as she found out about his affair via a national newspaper.

Taking their children - Archie, four, Harry, three, and George, two - with her, the former Celebrity Big Brother star fled to Dubai in an attempt to nurse her broken heart.

But, while she was there, it emerged that the Blackpool midfielder had cheated on her more than once, leaving her devastated.

She explained to Hello! magazine: “While I was away, a story came out about another girl in LA and then Jamie was being photographed leaving nightclubs, smashed.

“I couldn’t understand why he was doing it.”

“I couldn’t understand why he was doing it"

Revealing that was the moment she knew their marriage was over for good, she said: “It was like he was someone I didn’t know any more. I told him to be gone by the time I got back.

“I know Jamie loves his family but there is no going back. I’ve forgiven, but can’t forget.”

The 31-year-old was badly shaken by the experience, relying on medication to help her ease the pain.

But, thankfully, she was able to pull through it - for the sake of her children.

She said: “The doctor put me on anti-depressants and quite strong sleeping pills. I had to be strong for the sake of my boys.

“They’re the only things that have been keeping me going over the past year.”

Now Danielle is learning to trust again, as she has begun dating a man named Tom Jimson, who she met whilst she was away in Dubai.

She added: “I’ve been to see him a couple of times and he’s coming here to see me.

“I’m just going with the flow as I have a massive guard up with anyone I meet now. But we get on really well."

Have you ever been in the same situation as Danielle Lloyd? How did you get through it?

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