Danielle Lloyd focuses on training in wake of ex boyfriend’s arrest

Things have gone from bad to worse for Danielle Lloyd in recent days, after it was revealed she has split from boyfriend Tom Jimson.


by Ellie Hooper |
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But on Thursday, it seemed that Danielle was channelling all her energy into more positive things, as the star shared a snap of her healthy breakfast following an intensive training session.

‘Gym done now cooking my broccoli omelette. getting lean for summer!! Great session @craid_velocity (sic)’ Danielle wrote on her snap.

Earlier this week news emerged that Danielle’s boyfriend, Property Investor Tom Jimson, had been arrested, after allegedly pocketing cash deposits for luxury apartments.

And despite making no comment on the story, Danielle’s reps did confirm to the Mail Online that she was no longer in a relationship with the Dubai based businessman.

The couple have been having a long distance relationship for the past few months, with Danielle frequently flying out to the UAE city to spend time with her beau.

And after all the drama that accompanied her marriage breakdown in 2014, friends and family seemed pleased that the mum of three had found some happiness with Tom.

Looks like it’s back to the drawing board for now though, as Danielle puts family and fitness first in the wake of the split.

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