The actor allegedly popped the question to girlfriend of two years Erin, who he met on the set of Kill Your Darlings.
The pair only went public with their relationship last month, with Radcliffe being determinedly private about his life off screen.
Daniel announced his split from production assistant Rosie Coker - who he met on the set of the sixth Harry Potter movie - in October 2012. The couple had been living together in a Manhattan apartment previous to the split.
But in January, Daniel was spotted kissing and canoodling with Erin in a bar, as his brunette girlfriend stroked his knee. But in the months after the spot - Daniel was evasive about the status of him and Erin, saying: 'Erin? Oh, Erin Darke? Yeah, the whole cast is here. It's fantastic.'
Daniel recently revealed that he would never date a Harry Potter fan, as that would make him 'very weird.' He added that he treads very carefully when it comes to relationships, but that he beleives it's 'easy to tell if someone is genuine.'
And Erin has obviously impressed the child star, with Daniel wooing his other half with trips to London.
Radcliffe is yet to officially confirm reports that he and his girlfriend are engaged.