Tell us about the new series of Sewing Bee…
It’s a great new series and the challenges are harder; the contestants have to do an alteration each week on anything from a skirt to a wedding dress. It’s fascinating watching them take a piece of material and seeing what they make. But there are a lot of tears…
Do you make clothes for your own family (Claudia has Jake, 10, Matilda, seven, and Arthur, two, with her film-maker husband Kris Thykier)?
OMG, no, as I am absolutely awful at sewing! My dad is actually the best sewer in our family and he came on set with me. I’ve had a fiddle with alterations and things like that but that is it.
Are you missing the Strictly sequins?
Yes, as I have so much fun doing Strictly Come Dancing. But Tess (Daly) and I are always chatting to each other all the time when the show isn’t on. We properly laugh. We have such a lovely time together.
Are you secretly hankering to take over from Brucie?
OMG, no! I could never do that. I actually feel really blessed that I have done so much. I never thought I would do as much as I have done.
Are you jealous of the contestants?
Gosh, you haven’t seen me dancing! There is no way I would go on the show!
Do you like going out on the town?
No, I am really boring! I would far rather stay at home and watch a movie than go out. What kind of pizza topping I have is about as wild as my nights out get. I am old!
I am really boring!
What do your kids think of their famous mum?
I don’t let them watch me. I love being a mum and the happiest I will ever be is when I am with them. My daughter has really got into the sewing though. She has had loads of fun with it all.
And finally, what plans do you have for the rest of 2014?
Well, I have just finished filming Sewing Bee and so for now, I am going to have a lie down! I still do my Radio Two show and my film show and then it will be Strictly again – if they want me back, of course. We will go away in the summer but as my husband is a filmmaker, we’ll wait to see where he is posted.
The Great British Sewing Bee, Tuesdays, 8pm, BBC2
By Christine Smith