I’m A Celebrity 2016: All the reasons why we fell in love with Adam Thomas

We're VERY upset he didn't win (he's the King in our eyes)

Adam Thomas Celeb

by Eden-Olivia Lord |
Published on

I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here 2016 has officially nearly come to an end and although we're super buzzing for Scarlett/Joel to take that jungle crown - we're slightly upset that Adam didn't win and become the next King of the Jungle.

A lot of people were fans of Adam Thomas ever since he started playing the lovable Adam Barton in Emmerdale but it was great to see him win over the Great British public when he headed down under.

We first saw Adam tackle a task during his first trial where he had to walk the plank that was 334 feet high in the sky to save his partner Larry Lamb from facing the first Bushtucker Trial. Luckily Adam saved Larry but it wasn't long before the public started to vote for Adam to do the trials and they had a good reason to – he's hilarious!

So here's ELEVEN reasons we wish Adam was King of the Jungle

1. Adam Thomas doesn't give up

Adam sure is a trooper. From the VERY beginning he admitted that he's scared of spiders he even revealed he went as far as seeing a hypnotist to get over his fear, but it didn't work.

Nevertheless, during every task even when he was faced with spiders he tried his hardest – he's a real team player and we love him for it.

2. Adam Thomas' fear of spiders

We're not evil but Adam sure did make us chuckle during the Bushtucker Trial Bushman's Lodge he did with Joel Dommett. We got to see just how scared Adam was of spiders; he kept screaming throughout the trial and couldn't focus on the task because he kept looking at all the spiders mingling around him.

Bless him.

3. Adam Thomas' strange noises during Bushtucker Trials

Oh Adam, even though he was petrified of spiders he still tried the tasks but nothing prepared the nation for the Food Factor Bushtucker trial. When Adam had to get a star in a box full of gigantic spiders and he certainly made EVERYONE die from laughter with the questionable noises/language he was speaking.

Ant and Dec couldn't even keep it together and Adam had to encourage himself to complete to mission.

4. Adam Thomas and Martin Robert's friendship

When Martin first joined the jungle he had a difficult time; he didn't like rice and beans and seemed to moan quite a bit. But Adam soon cheered him up and their friendship began to develop which was full of banter, bickering and soon developed into a lovely bromance.

Adam even admitted he had 'the most bizarre conversation in his life' with Martin which resulted in him hugging a tree…

5. Adam Thomas getting even with Martin

We loved how often Adam and Martin would tease each other, but Adam certainly got the last laugh when the 'Royals' (Sam Quek, Ola Jordan, Adam Thomas and Wayne Bridge) won chocolate after completing a trial. After Martin 'tripped and fell' and spilt water all over Adam, the Emmerdale actor decided to get revenge and when he and Wayne headed into the main camp and handed out the chocolate they didn't leave any for Martin.

It was very Mean Girls "… and none for Gretchen Weiner," but it was hilarious.

6. Adam Thomas is always up for a laugh - 'Are you having a laff bro?'

We think Adam laughed more than any other campmates in the jungle so much so we wish we could bottle up his laughters and keep it for a rainy day.

Seriously, he laughed at everything but we loved how entertained he was when Joel had to entertain the 'Royals'. He loved every minute of Joel's stand up piece and we're not going to lie we did too.

7. Adam Thomas holds a REAL LIFE Water Spider in his mouth

As if the previous tasks - which included spiders - weren't difficult enough Adam was then faced with the option of holding a water spider or a Giant Burrowing Cockroach in his mouth for 30 seconds.

Everyone got the shock of their lives when Adam choose to hold the water spider in his mouth and we were even more surprised when he soldiered on and completed the challenge.

Everyone was so proud of him.

8. Adam Thomas is a man in touch with his emotional side

During his time in the jungle Adam cried a little bit during the Bushman's Lodge trial where he faced his fear of spiders and it was adorable when he spoke to his wife on the phone after three weeks of no contact with her and he got emotional.

He almost sounded like he was going to cry, it was VERY cute.

9. Adam Thomas is a GREAT friend

Adam definitely made us laugh throughout his time in the jungle; when he wasn't facing his spider fear or bantering with Martin he was teasing his other campmates. We think he LOVED when he and Wayne were doing the Dingo Dollar Challenge Just Kidding. After he discovered his footballer friend was scared on goats he definitely had fun winding Wayne up.

10. Adam Thomas and Joel Dommett's bromance

This series was the first in a long time we haven't had a jungle romance but Adam and Joel definitely made up for it. Ever since they first met we loved their blossoming bromance. From their attempt at the Bushman's Lodge, their banter during the Bush Brewery task to their shower scenes we sure have loved watching the pair.

And hope we see lots of pictures of the pair now they're out of the jungle.

11. Adam Thomas shaves his chest

We loved the fact that Martin gossiped to the other female campmates purely because we got to see Adam topless…

We love Adam and although he's not the King of the Jungle we can't wait to see him back on the farm in Emmerdale.

How do you feel about Adam's exit?

Let us know on Facebook or Twitter (@CloserOnline).

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