Taking another swipe at love rival Casey Batchelor in a recent interview, Jasmine Waltz spat:
'I liked her [Casey] at first, but now I see that she manipulated a lot of people in the house into feeling sorry for her.
'Having watched it back, I’ve seen Lee tell Casey five or six times that he didn’t like her in a serious way and that he was into me. I think she’s a little pathetic.'
Speaking about her relationship with Blue Singer Lee Ryan, the 31-year-old added:
‘Lee told me to call his friends the moment I got out so I had someone in the UK to hang out with.
'Duncan hit me up on Twitter and so we went out. He said lots of nice things about Lee. Lee wanted me to be looked after.'
And the American model hopes to see Lee now that he is out of the house, purring:
'I think he’s sweet. It was really nice that he showed his feelings. A lot of guys try to hide it and the fact he opened up like that was awesome.’
However, when asked about what actually happened between them in the bathroom, she said:
'Nothing, we were just kissing. Everyone’s so excited over what happened and basically nothing did. The way it’s edited makes it look like more happened, but it didn’t.'