Cameron Diaz on her plastic surgery regrets ‘I’d rather see my face aging than a face that doesn’t belong to me at all’

A-list actress Cameron Diaz has spoken out about her regret over receiving botox treatment in her new lifestyle book.


by Closer staff |
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Cameron Diaz literary debut ‘The Body Book’ gives lifestyle advice, from skincare and diet to exercise and fitness.

When it came to discussing botox treatments, Cameron wrote: ‘I've tried it before, where it was like a little tiny touch of something.’

'It changed my face in such a weird way that I was like, 'No, I don't want to be like that' - I'd rather see my face aging than a face that doesn't belong to me at all.’

Cameron says she has chosen to embrace her laughter lines.

‘I love it, I don't mind. It's like, 'Guess what this means, I've smiled my whole life.' I love life. I'm happy I don't have a problem with that.’

Cameron's book reveals some of her health and beauty secrets.
Cameron's book reveals some of her health and beauty secrets.

The beautiful Hollywood actress- who has dated some of the world’s most eligible men- also discussed her struggle with adult acne.

Cameron wrote: ‘It was embarrassing, and I did everything I could think of to make it go away.’

‘I tried to cover it with makeup. I tried to get rid of it with medication: oral, topical, even the harshest prescriptions. Nothing helped for very long.’

She said it affected her confidence, especially when it came to working on films.

‘It was really challenging to cover them up for the cameras. It was awkward and embarrassing and frustrating, and I always felt really bad about myself.’

Watch Cameron talking about her flirtation with botox below.

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