During Wednesday night’s Celebrity Big Brother spinoff show, supermodel Janice, 60, was involved in an alleged brawl when Farrah Abraham threw a champagne glass at Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace – but missed and hit 64-year-old Vicki Michelle.
Following the explosive row, Janice hurled a chair at Farrah to save ‘Allo! ‘Allo! actress Vicki for further harm.
Now Bobby has claimed Janice could be in trouble with the police for ‘assaulting’ Farrah.
He said: “I don’t think Janice will be going anywhere anytime soon. I think Janice is going to be locked up in prison by the sounds of things.”
Bobby added: “She hit Farrah over the head with a chair apparently. That’s what I’ve just heard. Despite our differences in the house, I hope the back of Farrah’s head heals up soon.”
Comedian Bobby praised CBBBOTS host Rylan Clark for the way he dealt with the situation, admitting it must have been a scary thing to be involved with.
He said: “Throwing glasses and chairs? It must have been a pretty scary thing to see. [Janice] is potty bananas but it makes for great television.”
Vicki’s agent yesterday confirmed she would be pressing charges against Teen Mom star Farrah.
A statement read: “Actress Vicki Michelle MBE is this morning with Hertfordshire police and will be pressing charges against Farrah Abraham, who struck the back of her head with great force with a glass during the recording of CBBBOTS this week.
"Vicki has been in show business for 40 years and has been left in deep shock and with concussion after the attack by Ms Abraham."