The biggest and most shocking news stories of 2013- Closer's end of the year round up

This gorgeous baby Harp Seal is used to the snowy conditions at his home in the Arctic.
This gorgeous baby Harp Seal is used to the snowy conditions at his home in the Arctic

This very regal looking white rabbit blends in with his surroundings.
This very regal looking white rabbit blends in with his surroundings

This yellow eyed moggy looks less than impressed with the new situation he's in.
This yellow eyed moggy looks less than impressed with the new situation he's in

These two magnificent Polar Bears are fed up of the snow.
These two magnificent Polar Bears are fed up of the snow

This little guy is not impressed at all.
This little guy is not impressed at all

These beautiful blue eyed puppies look slightly confused about all this white powdery stuff.
These beautiful blue eyed puppies look slightly confused about all this white powdery stuff

This beaver has made his own little igloo.
This beaver has made his own little igloo

Looking for his mummy, or for the oncoming snowfall?
Looking for his mummy, or for the oncoming snowfall?

This stern looking couple are watching each others back for intruders, but really we just want to give them a big cuddle.
This stern looking couple are watching each others back for intruders, but really we just want to give them a big cuddle

Snow can make even the ugliest places look beautiful, so have fun at work!
Snow can make even the ugliest places look beautiful, so have fun at work!
















It’s ridiculously unfair that Ryan Gosling STILL looks gorgeous when he's pulling a silly face. How does he DO that?
It’s ridiculously unfair that Ryan Gosling STILL looks gorgeous when he's pulling a silly face

Taylor Swift looks like she’s heard THE most offensive piece of gossip ever in this snap, doesn’t she? We’ve got it pegged as a fusion of shock, anger and intrigue….
Taylor Swift looks like she’s heard THE most offensive piece of gossip ever in this snap, doesn’t she? We’ve got it pegged as a fusion of shock, anger and intrigue…

Just like a turtle, it looks like Jake Gyllenhaal has tried to retract his head back into his shell / suit. And failed.
suit. And failed

Either there's a bad smell in the air or Mark Wright had beans for dinner again.
Either there's a bad smell in the air or Mark Wright had beans for dinner again

Has mum to be Ciara finally realised she's going to get stretch marks?
Has mum to be Ciara finally realised she's going to get stretch marks?









April 15th sees a rare total lunar eclipse and this will have a massive impact on us all, especially Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Eclipses happen when the sun, moon and Earth line up, and have always been associated with endings and beginnings and waves of change. This is the month to take wise risks and break those habits that have got ingrained and toxic. It’s time to give yourself a spring clean - your self image, inner being and relationship with your world! Astrologer Ysanne Lewis ( reveals how your life will be affected by the lunar eclipse over the next six months…
a>) reveals how your life will be affected by the lunar eclipse over the next six months…

SELF: Avoid impulsiveness and making every issue too personal. Be on the springboard yet wait till late April for new opportunities.HEALTH: Watch for imbalances leading to small accidents. Take a good vitamin B supplement and do calming activities like yoga and tai chi.RELATIONSHIPS: These will become magnetic and exciteable now. In the case of worn out ones, there will be crisis leading to change - break up or re invention? Freedom or commitment? You decide!HOME: Feeling a bit trapped? Create new space for you and know that you are important too! Boundaries are essential.WORK: If you are the boss, honour your authority more. If you’re an employee look to your role for more autonomy and progress.
p>WORK: If you are the boss, honour your authority more. If you’re an employee look to your role for more autonomy and progress

SELF: You need to place more value on yourself and that means investing time and energy in something you have been putting off doing. Courage is yours now.HEALTH: Watch a small weight gain around the time of the Eclipse. Comfort eating is a draw so you have been warned! Get some dance into your life – it will make you feel so much happier.RELATIONSHIPS: Is someone taking you for granted? Speak your mind. Endings will give you more energy. You deserve and will get admiration very soon.HOME: Thinking of making your home work for you financially? This could well be a winner. Financial matters will rear their heads to address or complete.WORK: A payrise could happen in these coming months. A stroke of luck - your timing is good for change.

SELF: Risk taking is good now as it truly is revamp time for you. Consider this a green light to 'go ahead'. Don't waste this time.HEALTH: Make sure you create down time and get grounded by being out in nature more. Your mind can lead your body too much with its endless supply of new ideas.RELATIONSHIPS: You need stimulating people now and variety appeals. Create more space and 'me time' and younger admirers and friends will be drawn to you. Are there people in your life who are draining you? Address it!□HOME: Sparks fly if you feel limited by domesticity or routine, so plan these next months wisely to allow room for variety. Thinking of moving? Not a bad idea..WORK: If you’re not doing a job or project you love change it fast, as you’re likely to ruffle a few feathers if you are bored. You are highly inventive right now so talk to someone in influence about your ideas.

SELF: Time for a re balancing and maybe bringing to a head your home and career life. Who are YOU in the juggling act of life? Surprise people with your decisions - something has to give! HEALTH: Making big changes will improve your health. Don't suppress resentments now as your digestion and stomach area can play up and remind you to be in harmony with your life.RELATIONSHIPS: Look to your emotional needs and ask for them to be nurtured. Children and partners can be needier now too, so know when to say 'no'.HOME: Being moody about domestic resentments will not change a thing. Speak up and ask for help, negotiating carefully.WORK: Look at your routines and work environment. If the way you work doesn’t make you feel comfortable or happy, take a deep breath and plan some changes!

SELF: The lunar eclipse puts you in the spotlight and in line to get some accolades. Your magnetism is bursting to emerge and it's okay to put yourself first.HEALTH: Being active will get that circulation going, making you bloom and heightening your charisma. So act like a kid and have that bounce in your step.RELATIONSHIPS: Romance is on the horizon in either an ongoing or new relationship. The need to feel truly alive guides you now. A fellow fiery Leo or a Sagittarius attracts you.HOME: Be artistic at home by way of decor, colour and look. Then invite your favourite people round to enjoy it.WORK: The need increases to have your ego massaged and your own special project. Change the way you look at work and you’ll get noticed!
p>WORK: The need increases to have your ego massaged and your own special project

SELF: Using your Virgoan analysis and sense of order, you will shortly be seeing a new pathway. You are looking for a different role in several areas of life and it starts with the details!HEALTH: This eclipse heralds new health regimes and a sense of satisfaction with recent improvements. You can help others now to improve their lives and may start to carve out a new career or group project.RELATIONSHIP: Be discerning where and in whom you put your trust. You are better on your own in decision making. An attraction at work or in a leisure environment is about to happen.HOME: Projects and home life get more intertwined. So avoid clutter - in your mind as well as around you. Clarity is your keyword now.WORK: You will be called upon to take on old and new responsibilities. Changes are afoot at work so keep the observer in you on alert. Your skills are noticed by others. Good for you!

SELF: Optimism is high now, though watch out for mood swings. Your self image keeps changing at present. In a month it will have stabilized to your liking.HEALTH: Don't get overtired. Eclipses tend to zap our energy fields - and, as this one is in your solar arena, you could get burn out. Avoid excesses on the 15th.RELATIONSHIPS: Time to change the rules? Forget diplomacy and fairness and make new boundaries. It's OK to be more black and white for a while. If you have been feeling a bit neglected, only you can change that dynamic!HOME: Who are you living with? Is it truly working? If it is, just enjoy it. If not, well overdue conversations with family are very necessary.WORK: New contracts happen to your advantage. How creative do you wish to be now? Don't under-rate yourself at this time.
p>WORK: New contracts happen to your advantage. How creative do you wish to be now? Don't under-rate yourself at this time

SELF: Be your best inner teacher and listen to the promptings, otherwise emotional outbursts may occur. What do you want to release from your past? Who do you need to forgive?HEALTH: Rest more and don't get frazzled. Sleep helps you more than usual. RELATIONSHIP: Your psychic side is active now. People will be helped by your wisdom. There will be a sense of familiarity with new contacts. Who do they remind you of? A strong sensual attraction beckons..HOME: Hidden past issues of annoyance need clearing and only you can do it! MOT your house and decide what needs chucking out or replacing.WORK: if you are not earning money the desire to do this heightens. Working for yourself appeals too. You are very resourceful so dig deep into that reservoir of talent!

SELF: Always expansive and open to change, you've been given the all clear to be more so. Try to merge your efforts with others. Pairing up for a trip abroad appeals and brainstorming ideas works well.HEALTH: Your mind is stronger than your body at present, so don’t carry too much and watch out for clumsy accidents. Balance is the key.RELATIONSHIP: No one should be holding you back now. You need fellow enthusiastic souls around you!HOME: Travel appeals more than home right now but if the time isn't right yet, get out in nature and hillsides fast.WORK: See if you can do some study or a course linked with your work. Find ways to develop new pathways for yourself. Out of all the star signs you need to think the biggest!

SELF: Capricorn is known as a goal oriented sign but duty, family etc can hold you back. Be ruthlessly honest with your self and think about your prospects. A new career or role beckons.HEALTH: Don’t drive yourself so hard that you get ill. This is your weakness, so remember to nourish yourself properly.RELATIONSHIP: You need a partner that supports and understands you, and doesn’t feel threatened by your need for change. If you don’t have this, your first big change is in this area.HOME: Are you living in the right place? A big move could be imminent. Don’t cling to comfort – this is all about moving forward.WORK: The sky is the limit for you right now. Try not to limit your scope for once. What would you be doing if you really let yourself choose? Make it happen.

SELF: Travel is key right now. People from abroad are significant in these coming months or even a move abroad. Take a new course to add skills to your repertoire.HEALTH: You are rushing forward so much that you’re forgetting to look down - mindfulness helps prevent accidents! Get down time from your mind.RELATIONSHIP: A new encounter speeds up your future ideas. If looking for romance someone from afar suits you well.HOME: Get your home life in order. Moving things around gives you a fresh perspective.WORK: Don’t let niggles with certain individuals cloud your judgement. Focus on the bigger picture and find ways to handle irritants calmly.

SELF: For some time you have felt there was a missing piece and the detective in you wants answers. Go for opportunities you’d normally shy away from.HEALTH: With the lunar eclipse highlighting deeper parts of you take time to check out your health. Do some de-toxing and don't clog up with unhealthy stuff.RELATIONSHIPS: You are so ready for passion, sensuality and exploring of another's mind and soul. And, yes, it will come to you this year. Don't fear it, embrace it.HOME: Clear out unnecessary stuff from your house and office. Give your life a facelift.WORK: A higher dream beckons when it comes to your work direction. Do what you need to for now but hold the space for the next step. Someone at work spots your potential.



















