The couple- who have been together for over nine years- confirmed the happy news through their representatives.
Andy, 27, teased fans earlier this year by telling them during a Twitter Q&A: 'We're getting married just after Wimbledon, should be a great day.'
He was then forced to reveal that the comment was a joke, writing: “3 things.. I don't smoke grass, I'm not getting married(yet) and I don't want to kill rafael Nadal.. [sic].”

This time, it appears that the Scottish sports star is a bit more serious about making an honest woman out of his pretty girlfriend.
He previously admitted that he was ready to settle down with Kim, telling the Scottish Daily Mail: “I can see myself having a family one day. It is something that I’m starting to think about because Kim and I have been together for eight years.”
Kim and Andy started dating in 2006 after meeting in America, where Kim’s father was working as a tennis coach.
The glossy haired English Literature graduate has since been spotted supporting Andy at tennis tournaments around the world.
Congratulations to the happy couple!
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