Ex-TOWIE star Amy Childs gave birth to her baby Polly four weeks ago - this morning she made her first TV appearance
It seems that Amy Childs' daughter Polly might be following her famous mum into the world of TV.
At just four weeks old, she has already made her first TV appearance, as 26-year-old Amy proudly showed off her tiny daughter on This Morning.
Speaking to Rylan and Holly Willoughby, she gushed that she is "loving" being a mum - and we're glad to hear it!

She confessed that, although everyone told her she would feel unconditional love towards her child, she has still been overwhelmed by emotion since becoming a mother towards her daughter.
She said: "I can't even remember what I used to do before I had her!" - now that's something all mums can relate to!

But it hasn't all been smooth sailing for the new mum, as she described the labour as "horrific". She said: "It was awful. It was 27 hours - absolutely awful.
"But at the end of the day, look what you get out of it!"
Amy brushed off claims from people who told her she would "forget the pain", saying she would "never, ever" forget it.

Holly then strategically pointed out that there may be some heavily pregnant mums watching the show, to which Amy unconvincingly said: "You'll be fine!"
Rylan then swooped straight in, bringing up Amy's mid-labour blow dry session - but she defended her decision: "You know what, my waters broke at 4am and at 7am they told me I may as well go home.
"I always have my hair blow dried on a Saturday anyway so I just thought I'd have it done! I was in and out of contractions having a blow dry because I wanted to be glam for my little girl!"

She clarified that she was NOT halfway through pushing her baby out and having her hair done, as many had thought: "I couldn't think of anything worse!"
Amy did admit that she "wasn't glam after" - we struggle to see how ANYONE could be glam after a 27-hour labour!
The trio then discussed Amy's choice to turn her placenta into pills, saying that she feels "amazing" for taking them.
But that's not all she's done with her placenta - she also uses it for something quite different. A skin balm: "Everyone who comes in the house has a bit of mine and Polly's placenta, people put it on their face - my mums uses it all the time!"

Holly didn't look quite so taken with the idea, and politely declined Amy's offer to try some of the cream, but Amy encouraged her to try some "after the show".
We're not sure we'd be keen on it either to be honest, Amy!
Have you or a friend ever tried placenta pills or cream? Did you feel the benefits? We want to hear your thoughts - get in touch on Facebook and Twitter.
Pregnant Amy Childs has been stressed for THIS horrible reason
Amy Childs has shared the first picture of her newborn daughter