Despite tattoos being around for centuries and society slowly breaking down the negative stereotypes associated with them – recent research still suggests that they are considered unacceptable in many workplaces.

During a recent appearance on The One Show, business mogul and star of The Apprentice Lord Alan Sugar, 69, was asked his opinions about whether he would hire an employee with tattoos.
Clearly uncomfortable about discussing the topic, Alan squirmed:
"First of all, one has to be awfully careful when saying why you would and would not employ someone," he explained.
"But the fact is, if someone came into my offices, into the reception of one of my tower blocks, and was sitting there by the beautiful marble desks and their whole face was tattooed from top to bottom - you can imagine..."

He then added: "I would be thinking of one of your little punch lines, 'What are you thinking?' I would have to tell them 'Yes, could you come back next week and we will have a think about it!'"
Lord Sugar then appeared to hint he would be more likely to hire a man with tattoos as opposed to a woman.
Because of course, women can’t wear suits, right Alan?
He then explained his opinion furthur: "Most men who come to work for example have suits on so they are covered up - but ladies... I don't know."
**So that’s basically a big NO from you then, Alan? **
Do you think tattoos should be judged in the workplace? Does it really matter?
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