Adele dressed up as Catherine Tate’s Nan for her 29th birthday and she looked HILARIOUS


by Emma Dodds |
Published on

Queen of the world Adele has proven yet again that she's a down-to-earth gal by dressing up as Catherine Tate's nan for her birthday

We don't know about you, but we just feel like Adele is literally the Queen of the World.

We know she's the highest-earning person under 30 - but we can forgive her for being so rich on account of the fact that she's blimmin' good at what she does.

Plus the fact that she's hilarious and normal too.

Adele is just a normal, down to earth person. Minus the millions of pounds and the fame, of course (Credit: Instagram/ Adele) ©Instagram/ Adele

We LOVE the fact that she doesn't cover up her natural London accent.

We LOVE the fact that she accidentally swears on stage sometimes.

We LOVE the fact that she constantly reminds us that she really is just another normal person. Money and fame aside, of course.

She never forgets her roots (Credit: Instagram/ Adele) ©Instagram/ Adele

For her 29th birthday, she decided to have a fancy dress party.

And of all of the millions of things she could have dressed up in, she chose to dress up as Catherine Tate's nan.

WE KNOW. Adele as 85-year-old Joannie 'Nan' Taylor? Surely not...

Don't believe us? Feast your eyes on this beauty...

WOW. Pretty convincing costume there, Adele! (Credit: Instagram/ Adele) ©Instagram/ Adele

HAHA oh Adele you joker.

She somehow pulls it off though. Not many people could do that! Yet another string to add to your bow, Delly.

What's the strangest thing you've ever dressed up as? Send us your pictures on Facebook and Twitter.

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