Adele has done the SWEETEST thing for young victims of the Grenfell tower fire

adele concert

by Jadie Troy-Pryde |
Published on

Following the tragic fire at Grenfell towers earlier this month, celebrities have been coming together to try and support the victims and their families.

And Adele might be one of the biggest and busiest stars on the planet, but she has been doing everything she can to show her support. She was a shoulder to cry on the night of the fire, and she turned up at the local fire station to give tea, cakes and hugs to all the brave firefighters who helped to put out the blaze.

Adele visited the brave servicemen* (Credit: Rob Petty)

But Adele’s good deeds haven’t stopped there. She went on to visit Avondale Park Primary school in North Kensington to perform for the students, many of which were affected by the fire.

“As a school we really needed a boost, it meant the world to have Adele visit us,” the school tweeted alongside pictures of the singer at the last-minute gig.

“Our children will never forget it.”

Music mogul Simon Cowell has also been working to raise as much money for the victims and families of the fire by gathering a band of world famous musicians for their version of Bridge Over Troubled Water, which reached the number one spot this week. All proceeds go to those affected.

It’s so wonderful to see Adele and other celebrities banding together during times like these, and it just reminds us how brilliant and caring the Tottenham-born superstar really is.


Teenager who escaped the Grenfell tower fire sat her GCSEs the next day

Miracle baby survived being thrown from Grenfell tower window

Simon Cowell's charity single for the Grenfell tower fire victims has been a huge success

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