The television show ’40 year-old virgins’ follows 45 year-old IT engineer on his quest to lose his virginity as he flies to America to meet Cheryl Cohen-Greene, a sex therapist and surrogate sexual partner.
68 year-old sex surrogate Cheryl, who claims she has slept with about 850 men, inspired Oscar-nominated film The Sessions starring Helen Hunt.
Viewers will see Cheryl performing a sex act on Clive, who has intercourse for the first time on the programme thanks to two weeks of radical sex therapy with the surrogate partner.
Before Cheryl’s help, Clive found it “hard to chat to women, let alone sleep with them” according to Channel 4, and the pair develop an “intense bond” after Cheryl helps the 45 year-old virgin overcome his fear of sex.
The show also follows 29-year-old Rosie, who can’t bear to be touched by men and thinks they smell like 'a cross between aftershave and ham.”
Rosie teams up with 55 year-old surrogate partner Gary, who is tasked with helping Rosie get past her intimacy issues in order to one day realise her dreams of marriage and children… which proves a challenge after Rosie tells Gary she doesn't fancy him.
The show, which airs at 9pm tonight, is the latest in a string of Channel 4 documentaries to tackle the intimate details of subjects' sex lives. Most recently, ‘The Undateables’ series followed the lives of singles with disabilities.
In 2007 Virgin School was broadcast, which followed 26-year-old James as he attended a course for sexually inexperienced men in Amsterdam.