After making her name as an Olympic track cyclist champion, Victoria Pendleton says important to look good whilst working out! So if you’re looking to impress that fittie in the gym, here are her top tips!
I always wear waterproof mascara when working out – you don’t want to be working up a sweat and then find that your make-up is running down your face. The clown look really isn’t in! Other than that, I don’t mind getting sweaty…it means you’re committed to what you’re doing. You can tidy up afterwards but just let it go and enjoy it!
Take care of your skin! At the moment, I love Balance Me products. They do a really nice cleansing balm which has oatmeal in it. It exfoliates and it comes with a muslin cloth and it’s a really lovely, beautiful aromatherapy oil cleanser. I love that!

Always wear sunscreen. Often when playing sport, your skin is exposed to the sun – which can cause premature ageing. I use very chalky white sunscreen because I’ve got quite sensitive skin. They used to call me “Casper” when I was in the Olympic team and have a right laugh at me!
Have a nice Elemis facial - I always think they’re super relaxing and I think if you’re feeling a bit stressed it shows. So just go and chill out, have a nice facial. The Tri-enzyme one is my favourite.
Victoria is working with Simply Great Drinksto front its Be Simply Great campaign, a simple and sensible approach to staying, fit, happy and healthy long-term.