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Sub-zero beauty essentials; we round up the hero products that will save your skin during the cold weather
Brace yourselves girls, as the weather is predicted to take a chilly turn later this week – with temperatures due to drop to freezing. You may be planning to layer up with woolly jumpers and your trusty bobble hat, but don’t forget your make up bag – as your hair and face will feel the brunt of the cold weather too. Small changes to your daily routine can make all the difference to fight off chapped skin, split ends and wind blown eye makeup. Here are some of our favourites to help you battle the elements whilst looking your best.
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5 of 9m&s £8 EDIT
6 of 9SD Vitamin E Hydrating Mud Mask EDIT
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8 of 9Shea Butter Protective Lip Balm £8.50
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