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I have wholemeal toast for breakfast and enjoy roast spuds on a Sunday occasionally, but I get most of my carbs from veg. And it doesn’t haven to boring! A good lean steak or chicken breast with roasted veg is delicious and so good for you.Throw whatever veg you have into a roasting tin with garlic, rosemary and olive oil – delicious! And get adventurous with salads – they don’t have to be just lettuce, tomato and cucumber!

We all like to look slim, but when you get older, enjoying life and being healthy is more important that trying to look like Kate Moss.
We all like to look slim, but when you get older, enjoying life and being healthy is more important that trying to look like Kate Moss

As soon as you say you’re going on a diet, you want to eat naughty things. Look after yourself in general and eat healthily 80% of the time – that’s the best way of approaching it.
As soon as you say you’re going on a diet, you want to eat naughty things. Look after yourself in general and eat healthily 80% of the time – that’s the best way of approaching it

I’m quite a basic cook – chilli, roasts, shepherd’s pie, oven baked fish – but I always make everything from scratch and never buy processed foods, so I know what goes into my meals and there’s no hidden sugar or salt.
I’m quite a basic cook – chilli, roasts, shepherd’s pie, oven baked fish – but I always make everything from scratch and never buy processed foods, so I know what goes into my meals and there’s no hidden sugar or salt

You need one when you hit 50 and realise that things are starting to sag and droop!
You need one when you hit 50 and realise that things are starting to sag and droop!

It’s important to eat healthily most of the time, but have a bit of what you fancy when you’re craving it.
It’s important to eat healthily most of the time, but have a bit of what you fancy when you’re craving it