This is what 100 layers of false eyelashes look like (in case you were wondering)…

False eyelashes

by Closer Online |
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If you've ever wondered what it what wearing 100 layers of false eyelashes look like, you're in luck...

Wearing multiple false eyelashes is one of the biggest beauty trends of the moment.

A recent survey of 2,488 women who wear makeup found that 22% of women turn to false eyelashes when they’re looking to create a ‘dramatic’ look. Furthermore, it turns out that 10% of false eyelash wearers now opt for layering on multiple lashes, with the majority of multi-lash wearers confessing they wear four sets at the same time!

The look - pioneered by the likes of Lottie Tomlinson and Kendall Jenner - is seriously dramatic, but it also has a practical purpose, as layering up your false eyelashes can (apparently) help weigh the lashes down and stop them falling off #TopTip

But now the guys at have taken the trend to the next - EXTREME - level, by applying 100 hundred false eyelashes to one eye.


False eyelashes
Halfway through, and it's already a BOLD look! (Credit: ©

Talking about the experiment, Nicholas Whitmore, Managing Director of, explained: “Shortly into the experiment it became apparent that we weren’t going to get 100x sets of lashes onto the top eyelid on each eye, so had to spread them out – 50x on top and 50x on bottom of each eye.”

They did finally manage to get all 200 (100 on each eye) lashes onto the model, and Nicholas said the final look was “creepy but also enthralling.”

We agree – it’s certainly not a look you’ll forget in a hurry! In fact, we reckon it could make a good look for Halloween (although we’re not sure it’s the most comfortable trend)!

Watch the full video below, and check it out for yourself…

WATCH: This is what 100 layers of false eyelashes looks like...


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