It’s Christmas party time! How to get the perfect party braid

Now it's Christmas party season, Award winning celebrity hairdresser and Salon Science Brand Ambassador, Andrew Jose tellls Closer how to recreate Blake Lively's sleek party braid

gossip girl

by Closer staff |
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Prep beforehand:

  • Start by parting the hair at the front as this will be the central point for your waves

  • Blake has her parting slightly off centre, but this style also looks great on the side

  • Spritz hair all over with a heat protection spray. I love SALON SCIENCE® GSP-T Swiss Grape REPROTECTANT™ THERMAL CRÈME (£16.00) as it is so moisturising and gives high levels of heat defence at the same time

  • Simply mist lightly all over hair and comb through

  • Section hair off from the back starting at the nape, then start to tong all every section in lazy waves

  • Leaving sections at the front, back comb hair at the crown to create height, and gently brush over the top to smooth hair over

  • Gather hair in to a low loose side pony at the nape of the neck and fix with a snag free elastic band

The Fishtail Braid:

  • Begin by splitting the hair in the low side ponytail into TWO sections.

  • Take a small piece of hair from the outside of one of the two main sections and bring it to the inside of the opposite section.

  • Take a small piece of hair from the outside of the other section and bring it to the inside of the opposite section, then pull tight.

  • Continue to take small pieces of hair from each side into the inside of each section

  • Keep going until you reach the end, you will see how easily the braided pattern develops.

  • Tie off the braid with a clear elastic band.

  • Blakes fishtail braid is very undone so gently tease/mess out the braid by pulling some strands out for a more slept in look

  • Pull out some strands at the front to frame the face

  • Then gently and carefully cut the pony tail elastic band to complete the look

SALON SCIENCE® is available at Boots stores nationwide and,

Andrew Jose Salon | 1 Charlotte Street | London W1T 1RB

Tel 020 7323 4679

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