The Guardian reported on that not only are women buying ‘prank’ positive pregnancy tests online but they are prepared to go even further and purchase genuine positive tests that pregnant woman have used. Gross!
The expectant New York mum reportedly wrote: ‘I am pregnant and will sell you my positive pregnancy test for $20… I don't care what you need them for.’

Women are reportedly purchasing the tests in order to ‘trick’ their partners into marriage or to extort money out of unsuspecting men. A woman in Dallas forked out for a positive pregnancy test to seek revenge on her cheating lover.
She said: ‘He texted and said he isn't sure who he wants to be with and I think I handled it well for what a cheating, lying dog he is. I would like the last laugh out of this. I will give some girl $40.’
Ebay sells a variety of ‘prank’ positive pregnancy tests with one seller describing them as ‘‘simply the funniest prank possible!!!!’

You can now choose between different types of test, with brand name pregnancy tests selling for more than cheaper ones.
One seller wrote: ‘this will not be a dollar-store test. It will be either Clearblue First Response or EPT.’
Would you ever seek revenge on an ex with ‘prank’ positive pregnancy test?