Pharmacist prescribes ‘Monster Spray’ to child afraid of what’s under the bed

A pharmacist in North Dakota has discovered an unlikely cure for children’s nightmares – ‘Monster Spray’, a product especially designed to keep those nighttime nasties at bay!


by Closer staff |
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Although the population of Watford City in North Dakota officially stands at 1,744, it would appear that there are some inhabitants that haven’t been accounted for, as any young child without a nightlight in their bedroom will tell you.

This became apparent to Jeff Dodds, a store chemist at the Barrett Pharmacy & Variety shop, when a young girl approached him while he was at work.

She told Jeff that she was unable to sleep because monsters were living under her bed.

Jeff Dodds prescribed Monster Spray to the child
Jeff Dodds prescribed Monster Spray to the child

To help the sleepless six-year old get rid of her unwanted visitors, Jeff fixed up the somewhat unique prescription for a liberal dose of ‘Monster Spray’.

The blue bottle of monster-repellent is effective for as long as is needed, and comes with the instructions to ‘Spray around the room at night before bed, repeat if necessary’.

With an official looking bottle and label, it would appear that Jeff has discovered the holy grail for tired and terrified children everywhere.

What do you make of the pharmacist’s actions? Have heard any similar stories?

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