Mum receives anonymous letter about over-sharing baby photos online: ‘WE DON’T CARE’

We’re all guilty of it - but what would you do if you received an anonymous letter like this? (stock image used above)

Mum receives anonymous letter about over-sharing baby photos online: ‘WE DON’T CARE’

by Kayleigh Dray |
Published on

We may all vow to ourselves that we’re not going to become one of those mums who shares countless photos of our baby on Facebook, but the reality of the matter is this; we love our babies, we think they’re the most awesome in the world, and we want everyone else in the world to agree with us.

Cue a plethora of cute snapshots of our little ones learning to smile, or walk, or sleep through the night - and countless friends silently cursing us from behind their laptop screens, wishing we’d give them a break from our little one’s photo album.

However one person has taken things one step further than just wishing; they’ve only gone and penned a poisonous anonymous letter to one of the proud mums on their Facebook friends list.

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The letter read:* “Look we all have kids that we are besotted with - guess what - every parent thinks their child is the best.*

"But we don't ram it down everyone else's neck!!!

"She wears a new outfit - well take a photo and send it PRIVATELY to the person who gave it to her - not to everyone!!!

"She crawls off the mat - we DON'T care!!!!! She's 6 months old - BIG DEAL!!!

"Stop and think - if every mother posted all that c**p about their kid - I'm sure you'd get over it pretty quickly,

"We can't wait for you to get back to work - maybe you won't have time to be on Facebook quite so much."

Are you ready for this week's column?! One of you contacted me about a letter you'd received from some "friends" about... > >

Posted by [Em Rusciano]( on [Monday, April 13, 2015](

It continues:

“Addy is gorgeous and we all love her, but our kids are great too.

“I guess you are just p*ing a lot of people off with all your ‘Addy this and Addy that’ – we all thought it might ease off after the first month, but it hasn't.

“Not everyone is as interested as you are about what Addy does so give us all a break.”

Erm, ouch much?

While many people have said that they understand the writer’s point of view, others have pointed out that the tone is unnecessarily mean.

And, more pertinently,there’s also the fact that Facebook has a HELLUVA lot of features available to help you hide people’s updates from your newsfeed if you aren’t interested in their posts.

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Speaking to the Daily Mail Australia, Jade Ruthven explained that she was furious over the cowardly message.

She said: "At first I was in shock and thought this letter must be a joke.

"I read it and re-read it about four times.

"I was shaking with anger and shock to think a so call friend of mine could be so heartless and gutless to not even sign their name."

We agree; surely it would have been more sensitive to just have a frank conversation about the issue, face-to-face, rather than stoop to such levels?

We imagine a letter like this would leave the the mum at the centre of it all feeling isolated and embarrassed - and could wind up tearing a few friendships apart, too.

What would you do if you received a letter like this? Let us know via the comments box below now.

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