It's the battle of the ages: Millennials vs over 55s
From changing a car tyre to knowing how to rewire a plug; these are the 40 things over 55s have better knowledge at than millennials.
In a study commissioned by Bupa, it found that older people are more likely to know when to use correct grammatical terms such as 'who and whom' and how to play chess, compared to the millennials.
The poll of 2,000 adults found 58 per cent of over 55s know how to get stains out of clothes, while just 31 per cent of millennials are confident they can do the same.
Not only that but it also came to light that almost three-quarters of people feel that younger generations don’t have the same levels of general knowledge, due to a reliance on the internet.
Surprisingly though, over 80 per cent of adults wished they didn't rely on the internet so much and instead knew more practical skills.
Check out: 40 things over 55s feel waaaaaay more confident at doing than millennials
top 40 things over 55's feel more confident at doing than millennials - STACKED

The number of pounds in a stone - 90% (over 55s) 52% (millennials) How to read the time on an analogue clock - 90% (over 55s) 61% (millennials) The number of feet in a yard - 90% (over 55s) 21% (millennials)How to manage money - 86% (over 55s) 52% (millennials)How to iron a shirt - 84% (over 55s) 51% (millennials) How to sew on a button - 81% (over 55s) 41% (millennials)How to do times tables, without using a calculator - 79% (over 55s) 41% (millennials)How to use an index - 77% (over 55s) 35% (millennials)How to properly polish shoes - 77% (over 55s) 28% (millennials)How to use cutlery in the right order - 77% (over 55s) 39% (millennials)

Writing a letter
How to write a formal letter - 77% (over 55s) 43% (millennials)How to wire a plug - 73% (over 55s) 21% (millennials)How to spell without using spellcheck - 72% (over 55s) 39% (millennials)How to lay a table properly - 70% (over 55s) 39% (millennials)How and when to use correct grammar - such as 'who', 'whom', 'whose' or 'who's - 67% (over 55s) 39% (millennials)How to garden - 66% (over 55s) 22% (millennials)How long fresh foods keep for - 63% (over 55s) 28% (millennials)How to treat a burn - 62% (over 55s) 32% (millennials)How to get stains out of clothes - 58% (over 55s) 31% (millennials)How to read an ordnance survey map - 58% (over 55s) 24% (millennials)

The number of centimetres in an inch - 57% (over 55s) 33% (millennials)The collection times for your local post box - 54% (over 55s) 18% (millennials)The names of different birds - 48% (over 55s) 17% (millennials)How to repair worn or broken clothing - 47% (over 55s) 17% (millennials)How to tie a sling or bandage - 45% (over 55s) 18% (millennials)How to play chess - 44% (over 55s) 27% (millennials)How to administer first aid - 43% (over 55s) 30% (millennials)How to change a car tyre - 43% (over 55s) 24% (millennials)How to make a cake without following a recipe - 43% (over 55s) 27% (millennials) The price of a first class stamp - 41% (over 55s) 20% (millennials)

The number of kilometres in a mile - 37% (over 55s) 25% (millennials) How to identify plants and flowers by name - 37% (over 55s) 13% How to arrange flowers - 34% (over 55s) 16% (millennials)How to fix a bike chain - 34% (over 55s) 21% (millennials)How to start a campfire - 33% (over 55s) 19% (millennials)How to make marmalade or jam - 31% (over 55s) 16% (millennials)How to guess the weight of ingredients by looking at them - 25% (over 55s) 17% (millennials)How to crochet - 23% (over 55s) 4% (millennials)How to ballroom dance e.g. Waltz or Tango - 15% (over 55s) 4% (millennials)The names of different constellations of stars - 15% (over 55s) 11% (millennials)How to mend a car engine - 10% (over 55s) 5% (millennials)
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