Man performs cesarean on dying porcupine to save her baby

A man has been hailed as a hero after performing a C-section on a pregnant porcupine and saving her baby

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by Kayleigh Dray |
Published on

According to American news site WMTW, Jared Buzzell saw a car un front of him hit a porcupine and slowed down to check on it.

Apparently the man said his uncle had told him a valuable mineral will form in a porcupine's stomach, so when he realised the animal was dead, he carefully cut it open to look inside.

And that's when something miraculous happened.

He reveals: "(I) cut the sack open and out fell the porcupine. (I) cut the umbilical cord, put it in a hat. We thought it was dead - then I started massaging it and all kinds of stuff starting coming out of its lungs so it started breathing."


Jared has now taken it upon himself to look after the baby until it can be given to an animal rescue centre, with the dedicated man feeding the little bubba baby formula from a bottle every 2 - 3 hours.

He said he knows the story sounds bizarre, but is glad he checked to see if his uncle's story was true, because it saved the baby animal's life.

Fingers crossed he keeps the newborn porcupine away from his uncle in the meantime - we don't want anyone exploring her stomach for "valuable" minerals...

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