The competition encouraged customers in Australia and New Zealand to write in and explain what they would put on their ‘bucket list’ and why.
Critics blasted the competition as ‘insensitive’ given that a ‘bucket list’ is typically a run-down of things to do before you die.
Malaysian Airlines have lost 537 people in two separate fatal air incidents.
MH370 disappeared after losing contact with ground control and the wreckage is still to be recovered.
Just a few months later, a Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was shot down over the Ukraine, killing everyone on board.
The competition was posted online, and it read: “Encounter wild and endangered orang-utans of Borneo in their natural habitat. Lie down on the ground of Chaps de Mars and watch the Eiffel tower magically light up at night. Swim in all five oceans of the world.”
“Whether it’s big or small, share your life’s ultimate to-do list and you could win a flight or an iPad!”
Malaysian Airlines announced that they were cutting 6,000 jobs following the air disasters, and the company has been struggling to fill seats with rows of empty seats reportedly left on departing flights.
Travel agents have reportedly been offered ‘double commission’ to sell Malaysian Airlines flights in an effort to boost sales.