Katie Hopkins: ‘Tell your Mum you love her while you can’

Katie Hopkins has urged people everywhere to appreciate their mum, in a rare show of her softer side.


by Ellie Hooper |
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Writing in her Sun newspaper column on Friday, Katie asked her readers who they would turn to if they couldn't call their mums for a 'good old moan,' and whether anyone who had lost theirs has any regrets for what they could have said.

After posing the question on Twitter this week, the response was huge, with many followers saying that they still keep their mum's phone number, despite them having passed away, and some saying they still text or call into nothingness, just to feel as if they are speaking to them.

'One day we will go to ring the number we know best then remember there is no one at the end of it' warns Katie.

As she concludes, the controversial figure urges everyone to call their parents (if they're lucky enough to have them around) and make sure they tell them how much they love them, before it's too late.

'I dread the day I go to ring her number and realise she is no longer there' says Katie.

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