A woman who drank SIX cans of Coca Cola every single day lost a whopping six stone after kicking her habit.
Char Norman, 47, reckons she has spent over $10,000 on around 65,000 cans of the soft sugary drink over 30 years between the ages of 16 and 46.
The obese mum-of-one from Kansas in America would drink a can first thing in the morning from the mini fridge that she kept in her bedroom.
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This meant that 5ft Char would consume 834 calories from her liquid intake as well as 54 teaspoons of sugar - which is more than twice the recommended daily allowance for women.
She would also gorge on doughnuts, pretzels, cookies and pizza while working a desk job and doing no exercise whatsoever.
After giving birth to her son Reed, 24, she gained weight dramatically and was borderline diabetic.
Last year, she tipped the scales at 213lbs - just over 15 stone.
But after a workplace get-fit scheme was launched at her workplace last summer, she decided to stop drinking all fizzy drinks for good and began going for walks on her lunch breaks.

Now, Char weighs 124lbs (8.8 stone) and has started dating for the first time in 10 years.
She said: "I was definitely addicted to soda. I would drink it all day long and get through a 24 pack in a few days. I really loved the bubbles but I needed the caffeine. In the morning I would drink it to stay awake and after lunch I would drink it to stay awake.
"I would roll out of bed and go straight to the refrigerator. I did that for so many years that I eventually put a fridge next to my bed, just for soda. If I couldn't have it it would make me anxious. Because I drank so much of it, if I missed one or got tired I had a craving where I just couldn't wait to get the next one.
"I decided to give it up completely after I started to lose a few pounds because I would come in after a walk and soda wasn't quenching my thirst. I realised I was going to have to cut it out completely or I would never break the habit.
"I feel and look so much better now. Giving up soda has totally changed my life."

But it wasn't easy to go cold turkey, as Char suffered from withdrawal symptoms: "There were two weeks when I remember not sleeping at night. My body was going through withdrawals but I told myself I couldn't touch it.
"There are still times I think that I could just have one but it might be a slippery slope. I'm trying not to tempt myself. I'm not sure I would even like it any more because it would be so sugary."
In a complete lifestyle overhaul, Char now drinks only water, eating yoghurt and fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch and chicken and rice for dinner.
She also goes to five group exercise classes a week, and no longer takes heartburn medication, gets sick less and has tons more energy.

She said: "People look at me differently now. For years no one looked at me as a woman, they saw me as the fat lady. I feel like I look completely different and I have tons more energy. I have my health back now.
"I spent 30 years doing something I didn't necessarily think was bad because it is so readily available. People don't understand what is in these drinks. Who knows what kind of damage they could be doing?
"They ought to come with a warning label."
Are you addicted to sugar? Could you ditch it for a health kick? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.
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