You probably think it would be really hard to get Christmas presents for otters but, as the clip shows, they’re simple really.
In fact, all they want is frozen treats in different shapes and colours.
These three, from the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California, loved their pressies, which were topped with minced clam ‘frosting’.
It doesn’t sound very nice, but the otters definitely loved it.
The cute animals – called Rosa, Abby and Kit – were also treated to shrimp cupcakes.
They seem so content splashing around, grabbing an ice treat, having a nibble then going for another swim.
Monterey Bay Aquarium pride itself on saving sea otters, with a statement on its website reading: “Our Sea Otter programme has been studying and trying to save the threatened southern sea otter since 1984.
“We rescue, treat and release injured otters; raise and release stranded pups through our surrogate programme; provide care for sea otters that can’t return to the wild; and conduct scientific research.”