Bob vows to win Brenda back but will his big romantic gesture work?
Things have been very rocky between Bob and Brenda lately. So rocky that Bob ended up hopping into bed with Laurel, (yes…we’re still struggling with that revelation too!)
However next week he pulls out all the stops to try and win his other half back when he realises that Brenda is truly the woman for him. Hmm, maybe he should have worked that out earlier.
Things come to an awkward head when it transpires that Bob’s offspring Heath has lashed out at Laurel’s son Arthur because of a rumoured “affair!”
Laurel and Bob are mortified when Brenda steps into the breech to talk to the boys and try and make the peace. The poor woman has no idea that her cappuccino-making other half been busy between the sheets with Arthur’s sheepish mum. Oh dear.
Tony Audenshaw who plays Bob says, “Heath hits Arthur but Brenda talks to them and deals with them so well that Bob realises what a fantastic woman she is, and vows to get her back.”
In true Bob style he decides to go all out and after speaking to his mucker Doug, he comes up with an elaborate treasure trail for Brenda to follow leading to a very big surprise.
“One of the things that Brenda is not happy about is the fact that Bob and her were never married properly”, says Tony.
Yes, if you remember the pair of them had a “hand-fasting” ceremony but were never legally married.
So this time Bob is determined that they’ll do the whole thing the traditional way.

Despite getting off to a messy start, Brenda seems pretty pleased with Bob’s treasure trail idea and drags her chum Bernice along as the pair of them scurry through the fields following Bob’s carefully placed clues.

But what will she make of things when, at the end of the trail, she finds her man, dressed in a dinner jacket and down on one knee in a glamping field, about to pop the question.
Will Brenda say yes when smiley Bob asks her to be his wife? Or is she going to have second thoughts about the whole idea?
Do you think Brenda will say yes? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter
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