Emmerdale: 7 shocking and explosive moments from #NoReturn car crash

Best soap stunt....ever?

Emmerdale car crash

by Hannah Mellin |
Published on

In case you missed ALL THE DRAMA, Emmerdaleaired their biggest-ever, no expense spared, epic stunt last night.

The 'Hollywood style' car crash scenes were caused by a crazed Emma Barton pushing her already immobilised husband off a bridge onto the roof of Ashley Thomas' car. The impact soon had a knock on effect - leaving more than three character's lives hanging in the balance.

The devastating chain of events that followed Emma's actions had an earth-shattering impact for a number of Emmerdale residents with Aaron Dingle, Paddy Kirk, Rhona Goskirk, Ashley Thomas and James Barton all left fighting for their lives.

Who will make it out alive? And whose funeral will we all be attending on Friday?

We've rounded up the most shocking moments of last night's EPIC #NoReturn double-episode. WARNING: SPOILERS!

**James' fall **

Emmerdale James Barton fall

After Emma spookily re-appeared in the mist after James made his escape, we definitely knew things weren't over between the pair. Crazed Emma really showed her true colours as she purposely pushed her partner over that flyover - with the slow motion effects making it way more dramatic.

Ashley's survival

Emmerdale car crash

Despite being in the centre of the pile up, Ashley miraculously stumbled away from the motorway and into the woods not knowing anything about how he ended up there.

Laurel and Marlom frantically searched the woods to try and find him (unaware that he'd collapsed) - is Ashley more affected by the crash that we first thought?

**Aaron and Robert's underwater struggle **

Aaron's desperate pleads to Robert to save himself and 'not to die saving me' really cut our hearts into tiny pieces. Thankfully, our beloved Robron made it out of the water alive - but Aaron's condition looks to be worsening by the second.

Will Robert FINALLY put a ring on Aaron's finger? Or is time slowly running out? Soap land is a pretty miserable place, don't forget.

**Paddy and Rhona's horrific injuries **

Emmerdale car crash

They're both in a pretty bad place, with their legs trapped underneath the car.

With Pierce soley focused on getting Rhona out of the wreckage (not Paddy), will Rhona lose the one man she really loves? Or will Paddy and Rhona be left crushed and devastated, full of guilt and blame?

And will Paddy get help after evil Pierce denied that he was even involved in the crash?

Barton heartbreak

Finn Barton Emmerdale

Upon discovering the horrific news that their father was in a extremely bad way after being thrown off the bridge - Finn and Ross Barton rushed to the scene. Unaware that it was their mum that caused the carnage, Finn informs his mum (Emma) that their dad (James) is looking death right in the face.

Sterling acting from the Barton boys.

**The stunts! **

Oh boy, oh boy! This was Emmerdale's biggest stunt to date (yep, bigger than the helicopter crash), with many viewers comparing the plotline to a 'Hollywood action movie'.

A huge TWELVE cars were involved in the crash and it was one of the most expensive and ambitious ever attempted by a soap. The cast and crew's hard work definitely paid off, don't you think?

Robert's revenge on Lachlan


Who else was waaaaay more worried about Robron surviving that they somehow forgot Lachlan was trapped in the car boot? Ever the super hero, Robert dived back into the water to try and save his evil step-son - unaware of the fact that he had made his own way to safety.

After risking his life twice to try and save Lachlan, Robert soon spots him standing back from the drama and issues a rather scary threat: "If he [Aaron] dies, I'm coming for you!"


Emmerdale continues with a funeral tonight 7pm ITV.

**Who do you think will die? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter (@CloserOnline). **

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