Working out your core strength is the perfect way to find out what level you’re at fitness wise. Hold a plank position with your back straight, bum flat and resting on your forearms whilst supporting the rest of your body with your toes.
If you’re struggling to hold for 10 seconds then your strength and fitness is low.
If you reach the struggle point at 30 seconds then your fitness level is good/average.
Holding your plank for up to a minute? Well done, you’re fitness is fab!

Touch your toes
Worried about your flexibility? Bend over, with your legs straight and try and touch your toes. If you succeed then you’re flexibility is at the right level. If you fail then you might want to start doing some more daily stretches!
Yoga is a great way to keep you flexible and supple and is great for all ages and abilities. Head down to a class and see how you feel after.

Shunt session
If you’re not keen on running, this bike session is an excellent way to test your fitness. Swap 2 minutes of rapid cycling with 2 minutes of weights, then repeat. Your heart will have to work extra fast. If you can complete 8 minutes then your fitness is on track.
This makes a great interval training session if you’ve taken a break from the gym, too.

5 minute run
Test your cardio abilities with a 5 minute run. Yup, just like the ones your PE teacher used to torture you with at school! Except rather than plod around a soggy field in the rain dressed in ill-fitting gym kit, you can test your fitness on a treadmill in the comfort of your local gym.

Tricep push up
Measure your upper body strength with some casual tricep dip ups. Lie on your front and hold your arms infront of you at shoulder distance apart, supporting yourself with your hands and your knees (or toes depending on how brave you are). Keep a straight back. Dip your body down, using your triceps to control your movements, before pushing yourself back up again.
If you're struggling to make 10 then your upper body could do with a bit of work. 30-40 reps and you're doing great- keep up the good work!