And The Sun columnist certainly isn't backing down on the issue, following her controversial tweet with another this afternoon.
She wrote: 'I'll give the unemployed their due, they have got stamina. To stay doing so little for so long is quite an achievement.'

The former Apprentice contestant caused controversy yesterday when she took to her Twitter page to say: 'Time we issued an unemployed persons uniform. Then they can turn up to the Job Centre feeling like fit in trots off to work on design.'
Many Twitter users responded in anger, including @exsugarbabe who wrote: 'You stereotype everyone and it's narrow minded and spiteful.'
Others went even further, likening Katie's idea to the Nazi party's regime in which Jews were forced to wear yellow stars on their clothing to identify them.
Mark Lancaster hit back at Hopkins, tweeting: 'I am disabled. Don't I get a uniform too. And maybe a nice badge. I was medically retired and am therefore a parasite too.'