Abortion is a famously difficult topic for many women- and men- to talk about. It is often treated as ‘taboo’ and can have elements of shame attached to it especially when it comes to certain cultural or religious beliefs.
‘Girls’ actress Jemima Kirk has decided to open up about her own abortion story in an attempt to quash feelings of shame around the subject.
Speaking in a video for the Centre for Reproductive Rights’ ‘Draw the Line’ campaign, Jemima explained: "I've always felt that reproductive issues should be something that women especially should be able to talk about freely, especially amongst each other.”

The 29-year-old continued: "I still see shame and embarrassment around terminating pregnancies, getting pregnant, so I have always been open about my stories, always shared them, especially with other women."
Jemima is now mum to two children, 4-year-old daughter Rafaella and 2-year-old son Memphis, but hopes that by the time they reach adulthood they can discuss issues such as abortion more openly.
She said: "I'm already anticipating their issues with self-esteem, their issues with their body, the whole luggage that comes with being a woman. I would love if when they're older and they're in their teens or in their 20s, that the political issues surrounding their body were not there anymore. That they have one less thing to battle around their bodies."
Hear Jemima's story in the video below