Brandi Glanville, a mother to two young sons, has come under fire for joking that she was jealous of her sister growing up.
"My sister got felt up by a principal, and nothing for me. He didn't even look at me sideways"
Why? Because the Real Housewives star always "wanted to be molested," but was "passed up" for her sister. Who was molested. By a school principal.
Brandi began her conversation with her guests, comedians Don Jamieson and Jim Florentine, by broaching a very serious topic.
"I was actually stalking you online, Jim, and we have something in common! I, too, wanted to be molested as a child and was passed up.
"My sister got felt up by a principal, and nothing for me. He didn't even look at me sideways."
Jim Florentine, trying to go with the flow, asked: "Did you feel hurt by that?"
The reality star replied: "Yeah.

"Now looking back, I'm super-bummed. I was thinking, 'All this and nothing?' Super-hot and they passed me up!"
In response to Brandi's comments, the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network said that child molestation is no laughing matter.
"As any good parent would know, sexual abuse of children is nothing to laugh about. Sexual abuse should never be fodder for comedy," RAINN spokesperson Katherine Hull said in a statement.
Brandi has since apologised for the comment, saying she is sorry if she offended anyone but she is "still learning" how to interview people.
"I would kill anyone that touched my kids," she added.
Do you think it is EVER appropriate to joke about sexual assault on children? Join the debate and let us know your thoughts on the subject via our Comments Box.