Our 50s-themed swimwear shoot couldn’t have come at a better time for GMTV weathergirl Andrea McLean. That morning, she finally slipped into her “target weight” dress to present the weather.

“I’d bought a size 10 dress at Karen Millen just after competing in Dancing On Ice in January 2006,” explains the mum of two. “I was at my slimmest and most toned, but then I got pregnant and never got the chance to wear it. I’ve been dying to get in to it and finally – 18 months after having Amy – it fits perfectly!”
Andrea, who already had a six-year-old son, Finlay, gave birth to daughter Amy in November 2006. While she put on 4st each time she was pregnant – taking her up to 131⁄2st – the presenter, who also fronts Loose Women, says it was much harder to lose weight second time round.
'I lost the baby weight within a year of having Finlay, but after Amy it took 18 months'
“I lost the baby weight within a year of having Finlay, but after Amy it took 18 months,” says Andrea, 38. “Up until eight weeks ago, I was 10st 4lbs and felt really uncomfortable. But now I’m 9st 7lbs, which feels about right for my 5ft 7 height – though I’d still like to get down to 9st.”
The mum-of-two puts her struggle to shed the pounds down to doctors not allowing her to exercise. She says: “I suffered an umbilical hernia [where a hernia develops near your belly button], and then abdominal wall complications, so doctors ordered me not to do any exercise.
“It was horrible because I was back at work still wearing maternity clothes. I’d wear black trouser suits to try to slim down on TV, but everyone thought I was still pregnant!
“I was a size 14 six months after having Amy, and because of my complications, my stomach still stuck out like a pregnant belly.”
It wasn’t until the start of this year that Andrea received the all-clear to start exercising, and she joined her local gym near her home in Surrey, which she shares with her fiancé, Steve Toms, 38.
“I signed up with a trainer to help me get in shape, because I’m lazy and knew I wouldn’t go otherwise,” she admits. “I told him I hated sweating, pain and working out. He totally ignored me and gave me a tough regime – but it worked!”

Twice a week, Andrea did cardio, weights and “good old-fashioned sit-ups, lunges and squats” to tone up. “After a couple of weeks I noticed a huge difference, mainly in my energy levels. I felt chirpier and that made me determined to shed my stubborn baby weight,” she says.
The trainer also looked at Andrea’s diet. She says: “He made me keep a food diary, which was brilliant. I thought I was quite healthy until I saw it all written down.
'Sometimes we'd have takeaways on Friday, Saturday and Sunday'
“Like any normal woman, I’d reach for a Mars bar in the afternoon, and Steve and I got into the habit of eating cheese and crackers once the kids were in bed. And sometimes we’d have takeaways on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.”
Andrea swapped her chocolate habit for grapes – “It’s not the same, but at least they’re sweet!” – and ditched takeaways.
She says: “I get up at 3.30am, so I don’t have breakfast until I get to work. I have a glass of water, some green tea and a banana, apple and honey smoothie, plus a cinnamon and raisin bagel and fruit salad.
“For lunch I eat a jacket potato and salad, and then I’ll have a light dinner of fish and veg. For a treat, I’ll have a Sunday roast.”
The new diet has worked, and in just eight weeks Andrea shed the last stubborn 10lbs. “I’ve really toned up – my legs and arms look defined. I’m back in my size 10 clothes and I’m thrilled!” she says.
'Thank goodness for big knickers!'
However, Andrea still has concerns over her tummy. “My stomach sometimes looks deformed and bloats badly because of my abdominal problems,” she says. “I’m really conscious of it, especially being on TV, but thank goodness for big knickers!
Andrea is going to keep up her diet and fitness regime, and hopes to eventually get down to 9st. She says: “I don’t mind how long it takes, but I think that would be my ideal weight. I’m not going to stress about it, though. I know that cutting out rubbish and doing exercise works.
“That’s what I would tell other new mums – don’t panic, it took me a while to get here, but I feel great now.”
Andrea’s new regime has also rubbed off on Steve. The couple got engaged in January this year, after meeting in 2004.
She says: “He’s working out with my trainer too and has lost a stone. He’s got another two to go, so we’re encouraging each other. We’ve both put on weight over the years we’ve been together – he got a beer belly and mine was baby bulge. But by the time we’re 40, we should be looking very trim – that’s the plan anyway!”
By Juliet Blank