Kirk Norcross: ‘The most romantic thing I’ve done is a b*** j** in the rain!’

We’ve seen a few of his relationships play out on The Only Way Is Essex – and Kirk Norcross has revealed just how romantic he really is.


by Jack White |
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The 27-year-old stars in the latest series of Ex on the Beach, which kicks off tonight, and his introduction of himself is amazing.

Referencing his infamous Skype sex act video, Kirk said: “I’m probably most famous for masterbating and smoking simultaneously on the internet.”

Which, when you think about it, isn’t as easy as it sounds…

Essex boy Kirk also revealed: “The most romantic thing I’ve done is get a b*** j** in the rain.”

Because kissing in the rain is so overrated, right?

Kirk thinks he's most famous for his leaked Skype sex clip
Kirk thinks he's most famous for his leaked Skype sex clip

Kirk will appear on the MTV reality show alongside his ex-fiancée Cami Li – and viewers can expect fireworks when they come face-to-face.

Speaking to the Daily Star about her arrival on the beach, Cami said: “I loved him at one point in my life, but when I saw him I was like, ‘Does anyone have a bucket so I can throw up?’

Cami and Kirk in happier times

“We had a first argument, then he gave me a half-arses sorry and we were fine. Then he started again and I was like, ‘I can’t deal with this s***, I have to put him in his place.’

“So I put his a** in his place and back on a plane to Essex. The Kirk everyone is going to see when he gets kicked off the show, that’s the real Kirk. He gets angry.”

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