Closer Online Exclusive: Keavy Lynch: ‘Edele will win Celebrity Big Brother – I’m putting money on it’

Following on from the success of the Big Reunion tour last year, girlband B*Witched have come back with their first EP for over a decade. One quarter of the bestselling foursome, Keavy Lynch, chats exclusively to Closer about new beginnings, her sister going into CBB and mental health.


by Ellie Hooper |
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Being back in the studio for this album was bizarre

It has been so long, but it also just felt really right. We all wanted something a bit different this time around, we all wanted to do more singing; to be a foursome rather than have Edele as the lead again. The record Champagne and Guinness is about love and heartbreak, enjoying life, and getting older. We're really proud of it.

Performing with B*Witched last year
Performing with B*Witched last year

Being in B*Witched chipped away at my self-confidence

Before we hit the big time, we were a foursome, but after we met the machine, so to speak, they put Edele as the front woman and the rest of us in the background. I had a wonderful time in the band but there was a certain amount of unfulfillment there - I felt I hadn't really showcased my talents.

I never let Edele's success affect our relationship

At the end of the day, she's my twin sister and I was really happy for her, and let's face it she is a fantastic singer and front woman.

Keavy and Edele in the early B*Witched days

Mental health is still such a taboo subject

It needs to be spoken about more. So many people go through really difficult times, and it makes it harder when people make you feel ashamed and judged for it. Suffering in silence does not help you and actually it prolongs the problem.

Edele was the one to tell me 'Keavy I think you need to get help.' It was such a relief. I had wanted those words to come out of my mouth for so long but I was ashamed, and there's such a stigma with mental health. People hear you're going to a counsellor and they think you're crazy. But you're not.

I mean you break your leg - you go to the hospital, but people are so bad at looking after their emotional and psychological wellbeing. Because you can't see the problem - people think it doesn't exist.

Keavy and her beloved dog Paris

My dog saved my life

After we were dropped, I was living alone and I got to the point where I didn't want to get out of bed. The only thing that made me was my Staffordshire bull terrier, Paris. She saved my life. I wouldn't have bothered going outside the house if she hadn't needed me.

'So many people go through really difficult times, and it makes it harder when people make you feel ashamed and judged for it'

Edele will win CBB

Me and Edele are used to speaking most days so at least this way I can see her even if I can't speak to her. I think people are being very guarded at the moment - no one has quite shown their true colours yet, but I do think Gary (Busey) is someone who unfortunately is going to have a few fallouts in the house. He seems like the kind of character who takes a long time to understand, and I fear that might cause some confrontations.

Edele is really feisty, no one has really seen it yet, but she knows how to stand up for herself and she's very black and white.

I'm going to put money on her to win because I really feel she's the underdog in this competition.

_B_Witched's new EP Champagne & Guinness is out on the 28th September.*

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