Justin Bieber has been slammed for "abusing" his young fans after cruelly bullying one size 14 girl over her weight today.
Yup, we're serious.
"You look like a beached whale"
The 19-year-old singer apparently left sunbathers shocked when he mocked a "gorgeous" fan for her curvy figure, reducing everyone on the pool deck at the Hyatt Regency Hotel to silence.
Hotel guest Helen Robinett revealed to Australian news website that the Biebz was very harsh to a young girl about her weight:
"There were four young girls in bikinis. One girl who was gorgeous looking, with long dark hair and would have been about a size 14. Justin looked over at her and said, 'What are you, Hawaiian or something?' She said, 'No, I'm not.'
"Then he said 'You look like a beached whale' … The girl said, 'Are you serious?' And he said, 'You should go on 'The Biggest Loser'.'
"The whole pool deck heard him call this beautiful young girl a beached whale."
The guest explained that she made a complaint to the hotel, but that nothing was done about it:
"I made a complaint to the hotel, and they said the girl was OK and she was a Bieber fan. She may appear ok but I work in styling and fashion, I know how women view their bodies, what body image issues women have.
"That kind of comment can have a serious impact and repercussion. That’s why I'm so upset about it."

She added: "He's nothing without his fan base. And he's abusing them. The girl next to me said, 'I can't believe he just said that, he's my idol.' And I said, 'Well get yourself a new idol.'"
According to reports, the girl, who was also a hotel guest, has reported the verbal abuse by Justin and said that the pop star's alleged remark brought her to the verge of tears.
Do you think Justin Bieber's comments are acceptable? Is he turning into the new Katie Hopkins? ** Comment below for your chance to win a £25 supermarket voucher**