Pets in Halloween costumes









Following Bruce and Kris Jenner’s split last year, rumours started to mount that they had split so that Bruce could get a sex change. Though the rumours have been rubbished, Bruce’s changing appearance only set tongues wagging even more. Bruce underwent a laryngeal shave to make his Adam’s apple less visible and has been spotted getting manicures and pedicures. We shall have to wait and see if his sex change is Hollywood hearsay or not!
Following Bruce and Kris Jenner’s split last year, rumours started to mount that they had split so that Bruce could get a sex change. Though the rumours have been rubbished, Bruce’s changing appearance only set tongues wagging even more. Bruce underwent a laryngeal shave to make his Adam’s apple less visible and has been spotted getting manicures and pedicures

According to internet conspiracy theories, Beyonce is not Solange Knowles' older sister like she would have us believe, but is actually her mum! According to reports, Beyonce is actually 7 years older than she claims to be, therefore making her old enough to be Solange’s mother. Sounds like a very sassy version of an episode of Eastenders!

One of the most famous (and most ridiculous) celebrity rumours- Richard Gere having to go to hospital because he had a gerbil up his hoo-haa. Needless to say, the actor denied this had ever happened. Well, who would admit to putting a gerbil up their backside?
One of the most famous (and most ridiculous) celebrity rumours- Richard Gere having to go to hospital because he had a gerbil up his hoo-haa. Needless to say, the actor denied this had ever happened

Another Beyonce rumour- some fans refuse to believe that Queen Bey was ever pregnant with daughter Blue Ivy and that the heir to the Beyonce crown was actually born by a surrogate. The rumour mill went into over drive when Beyonce’s baby bump seemingly ‘folded’ when she sat down on Oprah. Interesting…

Khloe’s step mother claims that Kardashian princess Khloe is not actually a tru Kardashian. Rumours even spread that she was OJ Simpson’s daughter instead. We watched Khloe battle the rumours in their hit reality show, but she refused to get a DNA test and instead took the high road. Ain’t nobody’s business, right?

We’re led to believe that Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe died after suffering form a drugs overdose, but conspiracy theories say that the starlet was actually killed by the CIA as she was a communist sympathiser who knew too much. Uh-oh!
We’re led to believe that Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe died after suffering form a drugs overdose, but conspiracy theories say that the starlet was actually killed by the CIA as she was a communist sympathiser who knew too much

Many internet conspiracy theory types (who probably don’t get out much) reckon that Britney Spears’ meltdown in 2007 was staged by the Bush administration to cover up what activities they were getting up to over seas in the likes of Iraq and Afghanistan. Convincing?

This rumour has been following Kim Kardashian around throughout her lucrative reality TV career, because no one can possibly have a bottom as bootylicious as that in real life, right? Kim set the record straight when she got an X-ray done of her ample posterior to prove that there were no implants and she was 100% au natural.
This rumour has been following Kim Kardashian around throughout her lucrative reality TV career, because no one can possibly have a bottom as bootylicious as that in real life, right? Kim set the record straight when she got an X-ray done of her ample posterior to prove that there were no implants and she was 100% au natural

Lady Gaga’s glittering stage costumes didn’t even put a stop to the rumours that she was not a true, ahem, ‘lady.’ Her skin-tight leotards pretty much silenced the gossipers though.
Lady Gaga’s glittering stage costumes didn’t even put a stop to the rumours that she was not a true, ahem, ‘lady.’ Her skin-tight leotards pretty much silenced the gossipers though

Before there was Kim Kardashian there was J.Lo and her magnificent booty. Rumours even spread that she’d insured her famous behind for millions of dollars. Wild!
Before there was Kim Kardashian there was J.Lo and her magnificent booty. Rumours even spread that she’d insured her famous behind for millions of dollars

Both Will and Jada have been subject to rumours about their sexuality, but they have also had to deal with speculation that their marriage is a sham and that they are both operating as each others ‘beards’ to cover up their true sexual orientation. Yikes!
Both Will and Jada have been subject to rumours about their sexuality, but they have also had to deal with speculation that their marriage is a sham and that they are both operating as each others ‘beards’ to cover up their true sexual orientation

Possibly the most bizarre rumour of all- the internet went into a frenzy when a photo of an American civil war soldier started doing the rounds online. What’s so strange about that I hear you ask? Well, the soldier was the spitting image of actor Nicholas Cage, prompting speculation that he was a Vampire. Naturally (or maybe supernaturally?).
Possibly the most bizarre rumour of all- the internet went into a frenzy when a photo of an American civil war soldier started doing the rounds online. What’s so strange about that I hear you ask? Well, the soldier was the spitting image of actor Nicholas Cage, prompting speculation that he was a Vampire. Naturally (or maybe supernaturally?)




